Social Sciences Computing provides support and access to certain statistical software and computational resources including a computer lab in Seigle Hall Room L014.

Core Description

Social Sciences Computing provides technology service and solutions for the academic pursuits within our departments (Economics, Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology, and Education). We have computer labs and a classroom in Seigle Hall equipped with specialized software for the needs of students in the Social Sciences.


Service available to Washington University only.

Priority service for Specific groups, centers or departments – see Additional Information for details.

Additional information:

Arts & Sciences Departments, Centers, and Programs;

Primarily Social Sciences Departments​​​ including but not limited to Economics, Education, Political Science, and Sociology.

Software includes: Stata, Stat/Transfer, Mathematica, MatLab, R, R Studio, ArcGIS and more.


  • Social Sciences Computing provides similar support and services offered by Arts & Sciences Computing.
  • Social Sciences Computing offers some exclusive research computing services and software offered to those within the Social Sciences community.
  • Faculty, staff, and PHD students in the Social Sciences are premitted access to the Social Science Computing's Reserved Lab via 24/7 card swipe.


  • Mixed use Computer Labs with Macs and Windows computers


Please contact this core directly for pricing information.