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Available soon: New proposal and updated awards packages available in the data warehouse

Published September 20, 2018

As previously announced through Research News, new grant proposal and updated award packages will soon be available in the data warehouse via Cognos. Anticipated for October, the packages will integrate new and legacy proposal data from RMS and PDS, respectively. Along with the information available previously, the new proposal and revised award packages will provide additional information for reporting, including:

  • Contracts information – the Joint Research Office for Contracts (JROC) now manages and tracks its agreements within RMS; pre-built reports with contracts data will be available for departmental users
  • Budget Category-level Detail – Previously unavailable for reporting, ‘Category Detail’ allows budgetary reporting by proposal, by cost category (e.g., Personnel, Travel, Supplies, etc.)
  • Newly captured project attributes – e.g., international collaborations; classification of basic, applied or experimental project; clinical trial, etc.
  • Current Awards packages will be upgraded and enhanced
  • Current PDS packages will continue to exist in the data warehouse after go-live, but will not be updated with any new data
  • New proposal data packages will be released with go-live.

A series of reports will be available via Cognos, coinciding with the implementation of the new packages. A workgroup of central and academic departments assessed and prioritized these reports, with additional reports under consideration for future inclusion.

Current Cognos users with proposal and award package access can expect targeted communications from WashU IT’s Enterprise Applications with additional information and resources. If you should need access to these forthcoming packages, but are not a current Cognos user, an updated security form will be available.

In the interim, please contact should you have any questions.