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New Facilities and Administrative Cost Rates

Published on April 20, 2018

The University has negotiated new Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Cost Rates with our cognizant federal agency, the Department of Health and Human Services. These rates cover the period 7/1/17 through 6/30/21. The F&A Policies and Procedures document has been revised to reflect the new rates and the implementation procedures (see blue text). Additionally, these rates are now available in Proposal Development System (PDS), and subsequently in the Research Management System (RMS) after go-live in early May 2018. New and competitive renewal proposal submissions to Federal agencies should utilize these rates.

If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Joe Gindhart.

Joe Gindhart
Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Sponsored Projects
314.935.7089 | North Campus
314.747.5385 | @4240