Animal Care and UseAward ManagementConflicts of InterestContracts and SubawardsControlled SubstancesEnvironmental Health and SafetyExport ControlHIPAAHuman Stem Cell ResearchHuman Subjects Research

Workday Updates and Reminders – May 5 – 14, 2021

Published May 11, 2021

Corrections from Prior Editions:
Previously, BAs within allocations were allowable between 6/11 and 6/30. Conversion needs now require all budget amounts to stay constant after 6/11. No BAs will be able to be processed after 6/11. Please submit by 6/10 to ensure approval before the data conversion snapshot.

New Updates On In-Process Topics:
Please do not update sourcing in AIS to end earlier than normal. The IT team will be able to remove encumbrance values from AIS after go-live. AIS sourcing is needed as a roll-back plan in the event conversion on 7/1 does not progress as anticipated.

Updates for PCAs in Wustl7 Tenant:
Data in Wustl7 will be updated on 5/14 by end of business, to be effective as of 4/30. Any changes to funds, or any new funds created by 4/30 should be available for PCA activities at that time.

Reminders for Existing Topics:
Please take a moment to review any program income and recharge center units in your department. Each of these should have a UNIQUE cost center and business unit set up specifically to monitor that unit’s activity. The business unit related to the unique cost center will be used to track the revenue and expenses for these units to ensure they are acting within guidelines.

Continue to review your funds to ensure no negative balances exist for any “Current Budget” budget objects. Any negative balances in the Current Budget column may impact data conversion. Remember that three sets of budget objects can be considered as three “units” (10-14 = Salaries and Wages; 21, 22, 29 = Fringe; 32 & 35 = Other Expense).

Continue to review your funds to ensure the GTD Actual will not exceed the Current Budget as of 6/30 data conversion. Encumbrances that will not pay out before 6/30 do not need to be considered in these comparisons. This will not affect data conversion; however, these situations will result in less logical Workday report data.

Please contact Chance Grannan at or Sp​onsored Projects Accounting with any questions or concerns.