The Flow Cytometry Core provides investigators with instrumentation and support for cell sorting as well as acquisition and analysis of flow cytometry data.

Core Description

The following instruments are available in the Flow Cytometry Core: Three BD FACSAriaII cell sorters from BD Biosciences. All sorters provide high-speed, high purity multi-parameter cell sorting into tubes and are also capable of single cell sorting directly into 96-well plates. One BD FACSAriaII cell sorter is available for operation by trained users and the other two are operated by the core staff only. BD X20, BD LsrFortessa and BD FACSCanto II analyzers are also available. These instruments allow analysis of up to 18 fluorescent parameters. New users are provided with training before being able to operate the instruments.


Service available to All entities, including for-profit organizations.

Priority service for No distinctions.


  • Staff-operated cell sorting
  • Assistance with experimental design
  • Instruction and training on the instruments


  • BD FACSCantoII
  • BD LSR Fortessa
  • BD X-20


Pricing is subject to core verification

Instrument Fee ($/hr): BD FACSAriaII-1 Sorter (Staff Operated)  $88.00; BD FACSAriaII-2 Sorter (User Operated)  $67.00;

BD FACSCantoII  $37.00;

BD LSR Fortessa $37.00;

BD-X20 $37.00;