Responsible Conduct of Research

Other Available RCR Education Opportunities

Interactive Movies on Research Misconduct

Become the lead characters in an interactive movie and make decisions about integrity in research that can have long-term consequences. The simulation addresses Responsible Conduct of Research topics such as avoiding research misconduct, mentorship responsibilities, handling of data, responsible authorship, and questionable research practices.

This interactive training video educates clinical and social researchers on the importance of appropriately protecting research subjects and avoiding research misconduct. The Research Clinic allows the viewer to assume the role of one of four characters and determines the outcome of the storyline by selecting decision-making choices for each “playable” character.

Identified RCR Education at Washington University

Biology 5011— Ethics and Research Science
All graduate students in the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences (DBBS) are required to complete this course in a satisfactory fashion by the end of their second year. While the course is reserved for DBBS students, course materials are available via their website and can be tailored for another program’s RCR educational needs. Please contact DB​BS​ for additional information.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Clinical Research​ (2 credits) M17-510
This course prepares clinical researchers to critically evaluate ethical and regulatory issues in clinical research, including understanding regulatory framework governing human subjects research, distinction between compliance and ethic, identifying major ethical concerns in the conduct of clinical research, applying ethical problem-solving models in clinical research. Mondays, 4-6 p.m. Fall Semester.

ICTS Responsible Conduct of Research Course
The Institute of Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) offers this course at no charge to trainees and scholars who are members of the ICTS, and are enrolled in the 8-hour course. ICTS membership is free and open to all WU faculty, scholars, and trainees. The course covers all topics required to satisfy the NIH’s and NSF’s RCR training requirements. Attendance is tracked and a certificate of completion is provided to participants. For information and enrollment visit the Center for Clinical and Research Ethics: RCR Course.

Office of Faculty Promotions & Career Development — Medical School  |  OFA Calendar
The Medical School’s Office of Faculty Affairs offers many professional development programs. Many sessions are related to topics such as mentoring, peer review, and authorship and publication.

Office of Postdoctoral Affairs | OPA Calendar
OPA runs a Professional Development Program along with other educational programming for postdoctoral appointees and graduate students. These workshops are highly recommended for all postdocs and grad students, and there is no cost to attend.

Research Education and Information  |  Research Education Calendar
Research Education and Information, in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, provides general lectures in ethics and responsible conduct in research for departments, divisions, and other university groups as requested. Please contact REI for additional information.

Scholarly Communications Services
Scholarly Communications Services provides education in authorship rights, copyright, public access requirements, and intellectual property for university groups as requested. For more information, please contact:
Medical SchoolCathy Sarli  |  Danforth CampusMicah Zeller

Seminar in Research Ethics— Psychology Department
The Psychology Department offers a course, “Seminar in Research Ethics” (L33 5405 Psych) for enrolled psychology graduate students only.

Identifying Additional Education

STEP 1: Check with your school, department, or program administration.

Many offer internal lectures and discussion sessions in research ethics.

STEP 2: Access the PERCSS page​
The Program for Ethical and Responsible Conduct in Science and Scholarship provides WashU-specific online learning modules and regular face-to-face ethics workshops. All WashU research faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to complete the PERCSS online learning modules. PERCSS Boilerplate Language.​

STEP 3: Review the Research Education Calendar​
Information about many upcoming RCR events is provided on the calendar.

STEP 4: Identify other programs that offer RCR education
Below is a list of other WashU entities that regularly sponsor events related ethics and responsible conduct in research.

STEP 5: Search the web
Access the Resources on the​ Web page for a list of external RCR websites. This is not a comprehensive list of all RCR education resources on the web.