The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research​
The Vice Chancellor for Research (VCR) is responsible for directing and guiding Washington University in St. Louis’ research mission.
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) is responsible for university-wide research policies, procedures, operations, support infrastructure and educational programs. These include research administration systems, and research ethics, education and compliance. The OVCR serves as a resource for institutional strategic research planning and development. The OVCR also promotes the development and implementation of high quality research initiatives, encourages innovation and entrepreneurship in research, and supports the translation of discoveries into knowledge and technologies that will benefit society.
The OVCR promotes the responsible and ethical conduct of research, and a culture of responsibility, ethics and compliance among faculty, students and staff involved in research and related activities. The OVCR oversees research integrity, ethics, compliance and faculty conflict of interest activities, and assures that the university is a vigilant steward of external awards. The VCR is the institutional official with primary responsibility for oversight of the university’s human research protection program and the animal research program, assuring that research is conducted in an ethical manner, and protecting all human and animal research participants. The OVCR provides university-wide infrastructure to support these efforts.
Below is an organizational summary of research at WashU.