Dedicated imaging facility for most aspects of brightfield, fluorescence and Electron Microscopy

Core Description

Dedicated imaging facility for most aspects of brightfield, fluorescence, and Electron Microscopy.  Fluorescence-based imaging includes low-light imaging, scanning confocal imaging, multiphoton imaging, imaging of fixed and living tissues,  deconvolution, multi-channel imaging, FRAP, FRET, FLIM, SHG, time-lapse, and z stack (3D and 4D) acquisition, and spectral analysis.   Electron Microscopy includes environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy.​

A suite of Leica microscopes all running the same software is now available:  the Sp8 inverted single photon (installed December 2018), Sp8 upright DIVE (Deep In Vivo Explorer) multiphoton (installed April 2019), a Thunder Model Organism widefield Fluorescent stereomicroscope (installed December 2019),  and a Thunder Live Cell Imaging Widefield Compound Fluorescent microscope (installed December 2021).



Service available to All entities, including for-profit organizations.

Priority service for Washington University only.


  • Training on all microscopes
  • Post-training assistance with all instruments
  • Consultation on image acquisition and specimen preparation
  • Assistance with image processing and analysis


  • Zeiss Evo-10 environmental Scanning Electron Microscope
  • Leica S8Apo brightfield stereomicroscope
  • Leica Thunder Live Cell Fluorescent Compound Microscope
  • Leica Thunder Model Organism Stereomicroscope
  • Leica Sp8 Lightning single photon true spectral microscope
  • Leica Sp8-DIVE multiphoton true spectral microscope
  • Leica Ace200 Sputter Coater
  • EMS 850 Critical Point Dryer


Pricing is subject to core verification

  • Leica S8Apo $10/hour
  • Leica Thunder Live Cell $20/hour
  • Leica Thunder Model Organism $20/hour
  • Leica Sp8 single-photon $32/hour
  • Zeiss Evo 10 $40/hour
  • Leica Sp8-DIVE multiphoton $32/hour
  • Leica EM Ace200 Sputter Coater $20/hour
  • EMS 850 Critical Point Dryer $20/hour
  • Training on all microscopes $50/hour
  • Consultation $50/hour