The Biostatistics Consulting Service provides biostatistical consultation and execution in a wide range of areas including the statistical design of experiments and clinical trials, protocol development, database management, analysis of data and interpretation of results. The service is well-equipped to provide assistance at the stage of preparing grant applications, including careful discussions and written sections on study design, selection of primary outcomes and endpoints, sample size calculations, randomization schemes, data management, REDCap data capture and data analysis. A number of our faculty have extensive experience on NIH study sections which can help in understanding what components of a proposal are looked at carefully by a review panel. This includes support for the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) function of the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences.

Find information on our webpage about our approach, fees, recommended timelines, and how to prepare for consultations involving the preparation of grants, protocols, sample size estimates, and data analysis.

To request services, complete the Service Request Form.

Core Description

The Biostatistics Consulting Service provides biostatistical consultation and execution in a wide range of areas including the statistical design of experiments and clinical trials, protocol development, database management, analysis of data and interpretation of results. The service is well-equipped to provide assistance at the stage of preparing grant applications, including careful discussions and written sections on study design, selection of primary outcomes and endpoints, sample size calculations, randomization schemes, data management, REDCap data capture and data analysis. A number of our faculty have extensive experience on NIH study sections which can help in understanding what components of a proposal are looked at carefully by a review panel. This includes support for the Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) function of the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences.

Find information on our webpage about our approach, fees, recommended timelines, and how to prepare for consultations involving the preparation of grants, protocols, sample size estimates, and data analysis.

To request services, complete the Service Request Form.


Service available to All entities, including for-profit organizations.

Priority service for Specific groups, centers or departments – see Additional Information for details.

Additional information:

Priority service for Washington University and the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences’ partner institutions.

Accessible for all.


  • Protocol development with robust study design with testable specific aims
  • Sample size rationale and power computations
  • Methods to minimize bias
  • Statistical analysis plans
  • Data management plans including electronic data capture and quality assurance
  • Randomization tools
  • Electronic data capture in REDCap
  • Data management to ensure reproducibility and documentation
  • Quality control procedures
  • Routine data reporting
  • Statistical and data safety monitoring
  • Choosing statistical methods
  • Executing statistical analyses
  • Abstract, presentation and manuscript writing
  • Publication quality tables and figures
  • Responding to reviews


  • The Biostatistics Consulting Service manages data through REDCap and utilizes statistical software such as R and SAS on PC and on computing servers.


Pricing is subject to core verification

The Biostatistics Consulting Service is a fee-for-service facility. The Biostatistics Consulting Service follows the guidelines set forth within Washington University Recharge Center Policy and Federal Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200. The cost of the service can be charged to grants under the ‘Other Expense’ category. The prevailing rates for WashU investigators and external, non-WashU investigators may be found on the Biostatistics Consulting Service website.

Faculty members without established funding for their project are encouraged to apply for Just-In-Time (JIT) funding through the ICTS. Visit the JIT website for details.

Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS)