The Hope Center Animal Surgery Core provides technical support and conducts experiments employing rodent models of disease.

Visit the Hope Animal Surgery Core homepage for more information.

Core Description

Animal models have been the mainstay of preclinical research for understanding basic mechanisms involved in disease pathogenesis. Furthermore, animal models have provided a platform to test novel diagnostic modalities and therapeutic interventions. The Hope Center’s Animal Surgery Core provides assistance to investigators interested in translating basic findings in disease mechanisms (and/or targets for intervention) to preclinical studies using animal models of neurological disorders. The core provides expertise, resources, and infrastructure for animal model research tailored towards the aims and goals of investigators. The core has experience with a variety of animal models of neurological disorders. In addition, the core will aid investigators in the design and implementation of unique experimental procedures custom-tailored to the goals of individual investigators.


Service available to All entities, including for-profit organizations.

Priority service for No distinctions.


  • Please contact the core or visit our web site for a list of services.


  • Please contact the core for a list of equipment.


Pricing is subject to core verification

Please contact the core for a quote or visit our web site to view our current fees.


Hope Center for Neurological Disorders (HCND)
Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS)
Department of Neurology