The Molecular Genetics Core provides services associated with the production of transgenic, knock-out and knock-in mice. The design and production of vectors for in vitro work is also available.

Core Description

The core is staffed by two full-time technicians who provide transgenic/knockout services and support in the many ancilliary technologies associated with the production, maintenance and long-term preservation of genetically modified mice.


Service available to Specific groups, centers or departments – see Additional Information for details.

Priority service for Specific groups, centers or departments – see Additional Information for details.

Additional information:

The core is funded through a P30 grant from the National Eye Institute (NEI) and is intended to support the research efforts of NEI-funded investigators. Investigators who are engaged in vision research but are not currently funded through the NEI may also use the facilities of the core, with the understanding that NEI grant holders will be given priority access.​​


  • Design of genetic constructs for gene targeting
  • Preparation of DNA clones and probes
  • DNA and protein databases sequence retrieval and analysis
  • Microinjection and Electroporation of DNA and CRISPR/Cas9
  • Cryopreservation of mouse embryos and sperm
  • Mouse strain re-derivation
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • CRISPR/Cas9 endonuclease technology


  • The core is housed in a fully equipped molecular biology lab.


Pricing is subject to core verification

Fees are offset by the core grant but certain charges are collected to help offset the cost of consumables.