Award Management

No Cost Extension (NCE) Request

No cost extensions (NCEs) are used to request an extension of the project beyond the original end date to complete programmatic work. There is no additional funding provided with an NCE. Three conditions must be met to request an NCE:

  • The end of the project period is approaching, and
  • There is a programmatic need to continue the research, and
  • There are sufficient funds remaining to cover the extended effort

NCE requests are typically initiated by the departments, then Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA) is engaged to submit the request to the sponsor.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

First Request

Timing: Submit form to SPA at least 15 business days before the original end date, but not more than 90 days before the end date.

Department responsibility: Submit online NCE request form to SPA.

SPA responsibility: Submit request in eRA Commons. This notifies the Grants Management Official.

Additional guidance:

  • Sponsor approval not typically required unless extension is <12 months
  • Review Grants Policy Statement and any other program-specific guidelines for full details

Second+ Request

Timing: Submit form and documentation to SPA at least 45 days before project end date.

Department responsibility: Work with the PI to develop the below documents then Complete the online NCE request form.

NCE letter (on letterhead, signed by the PI):

  • Detailed explanation of why the project could not be completed by the originally approved end dateScientific rationale for continuing the project
  • Scientific rationale for continuing the project
  • Amount of Direct Costs and Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs remaining (estimated unobligated balance)


  • PHS 2590 Form Page 2 Detailed Budget reflecting the proposed plans to use the remaining funds
  • PHS 2590 Form Page 6 Checklist reflecting calculated F&A costs

Budget justification: Include level of effort for key personnel named in the NOA (NIH requires a measurable level of effort of key personnel during an extension)

Progress report: (1 page max) Communicate scientific progress made from the submission of the last RPPR to present

Updated certifications and assurances, including IRB (if applicable under the Revised Common Rule) and IACUC approvals

SPA responsibility: Submit the request in eRA Commons. This notifies the Grants Management Official.

Additional guidance:

  • Sponsor approval required
  • Review Grants Policy Statement and any other program-specific guidelines for full details

National Science Foundation (NSF)

First Request

Timing: Initiate request at least 60 days before the project expiration date

Department responsibility: The PI/PD or the co-PI/co-PD initiates the request in (see step-by-step guidance) entering the new end date and a brief justification.

The PI notifies the Department Administrator that the NCE has been initiated. The DA notifies SPA that the request was initiated.

SPA responsibility: After request is initiated by department in, SPA submits the request to NSF.

Additional guidance:

Second+ Request

Timing: Initiate request at least 60 days before the project expiration date.

Department responsibility: The PI/PD or the co-PI/co-PD initiates the request in, entering the new end date and a detailed justification that includes the plan for the use of remaining funds. This plan must adhere to the previously approved project objectives.

The PI notifies the Department Administrator that the NCE has been initiated. The DA notifies SPA that the request was initiated.

SPA responsibility: After PI initiates request, SPA submits the request to NSF.

Additional guidance:

Other Federal

Always follow the guidance provided by the sponsor and program. The below information can be used as a general guide.

Timing: Submit to SPA at least 5 business days before agency submission deadline.

Department responsibility: Submit the online NCE form. Sample letters are available for first and second+ requests.

SPA responsibility: Submit request to the sponsor.

Additional information for select sponsors:



  • Discuss options with the funder
  • An amended or additional agreement will likely be necessary
  • JROC can assist with reviewing terms

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