Bringing together defense, academic and entrepreneurial innovators to solve national security problems in new ways.

NSIN, the National Security Innovation Network, is a United States Department of Defense (DoD) program that seeks to create new communities of innovators to solve national security problems. NSIN has partnered with WashU, in addition to dozens of other top tier academic institutions, to amplify the collaboration between the government and the private sector and redefine the National Security Innovation Base. As opposed to making investments in specific technologies, government research and development programs, or startups, NSIN focuses on human capital innovation – i.e., developing and enabling the next class of innovators from the Undergraduate to Graduate levels along with faculty members and researchers. Through class offerings, program offerings, fellowships, and more the NSIN community is putting the resources needed in the hands of capable entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs to develop and commercialize high potential products in the national interest.

NSIN Programs at WashU

UNUM is the one platform built to support innovators from across the Department of Defense, academic, and venture communities who want to connect and collaborate. Communities, Challenges, and Connections provide national security innovators with a common set of tools for discovering and leveraging the power of the networks.

UNUM provides information on H4D and Capstone classes at WashU.


These programs at WashU are made possible through a partnership with the Department of Defense’s National Security Innovation Network. For more information about NSIN at WashU, contact Mike Seper.