Storage and Security Guidelines

Created 08/20/2010 Investigators using controlled substances in research must take appropriate steps to safely store and secure the substances to prevent unauthorized access, use or diversion. This applies to the use of controlled substances when obtained under the Washington University registration or under an individual investigator registration. This document provides the key elements of an appropriately […]

Purchase Narcotic Storage Cabinets

The Resource Management Department at Washington University provides information on Narcotic Cabinets that will comply with Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) guidelines for storing controlled substances. For more information and pricing, you may contact Ron Moses, CPhT, Senior Contract Management Liaison or log onto www.healthcarelogistics​.com and view their online catalog for images and more detail for each […]

Controlled Drug Names and Schedules

List of controlled drug names and schedules commonly used at Washington University in St. Louis Drug Generic Name Drug Trade Name Schedule anabolic steroids various C-III buprenorphine buprenex C-III butorphanol stadol C-IV chloral hydrate chloral hydrate C-IV diazepam valium C-IV ephedrine ephedrine C-IV fentanyl sublimaze, duragesic, innovar,etc. C-II ketamine ketaset C-III lorazepam ativan C-IV methohexital […]

Background Check Procedures

Created 03/2010Revised 07/2016 Controlled Substance Access Background Check Form Download the Background Check Form for Use of Controlled Substances in Laboratory or Animal Research. United States Drug Enforcement Administration Requirement “The registrant shall not employ, as an agent or employee who has access to controlled substances, any person who has been convicted of a felony offense […]

Research Integrity Policy

Created 10/18/2000 Revised 11/04/2010 Previous amendments to this policy made on 03/18/2002, 08/10/2007, 10/17/2008 Reviewed by: Faculty Senate Council, 9/7/2010 Approved by: The Executive Committee on Research, 11/4/2010 I.     Introduction II.    Definitions III.   Applicability IV.   Rights and Responsibilities V.    Allegations VI.   Organizational Structure VII.  Confidentiality VIII. Inquiry and Investigation A.  Initial Review of an Allegation B.  […]

Procedures for the Use of Controlled Substances in Laboratory and Animal Research​​​

Created 07/2010Revised 03/ 2016 I – Requirements for AcquisitionII – Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) ProtocolsIII – Background ChecksIV – DAF and DCM Stockroom ProceduresV – Controlled Substances InventoriesVI – Drug Storage, Records of Use & SecurityVII – DisposalVIII – AuditsIX – SanctionsX – Recordkeeping Requirements APPENDICES A – H A – Controlled […]