Animal Care and Use

Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns (Whistleblower Policy)

Adopted: Prior to January 1, 2012
Last Reviewed/Revised June 2024

IACUC Policy

All concerns pertaining to animal welfare at this institution will be investigated and addressed by the IACUC. The Committee’s actions will be reported in the IACUC Minutes and (when appropriate/possible) directly to the complainant. No facility employee, IACUC member, or laboratory personnel shall be discriminated against or be subject to any reprisal for reporting animal welfare concerns.


Concerns pertaining to animal care or treatment at Washington University may be submitted through the anonymous website or hotline, via phone call, by written correspondence, by e-mail (, or in person to any of the following:

  1. The anonymous hotline for the University Compliance Office, 1-844-484-5957.
  2. Submit an anonymous web-based written report via the WashU Reporting Hotline.
  3. The Institutional Official (IO) Vice Chancellor for Research (Dr. Mark Lowe 314-747-0515);
  4. The IACUC Chair (Dr. John Cirrito 314-362-1610);
  5. The Attending Veterinarian (Dr. Todd Pavek, 314-362-8002);

Any person in receipt of such a concern is obliged to bring the issue to the IACUC for review.


Animal Welfare Act Regulations, CFR title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A, part 1-4, Sections 2.31 and 2.32.

PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals Section IV.B.4, 2015.