Human Subjects Research

CRC Orientation Checklist

Clinical Research Coordinator Orientation, Training and Competency Checklist

ONE is a consolidated online resource that provides Washington University faculty and staff access to the numerous resources, tools, forms and applications necessary to propose, perform, manage and close research projects. Access to information behind ONE login varies by user security and will require a WUSTL Key.

Bookmark the listed sites for reference 

University Policies & Procedures

Review and certify to the University Code of Conduct.

Review Research Roles & Responsibilities

Review Washington University Roles & Responsibilities

Review Washington University Research Policies

Human Subject Protections

Complete Human Subject Research Education web-based training

Review Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) website

Human Subject Research Quality Assurance/Quality Improvement Program

Review Educational offerings

Financial Management

Attend orientation to Billing Matrix/Compliance Tracking

Review Financial Management Resource Guide

Attend the STAR Program’s AW101, AW102, AW103 (formerly the Financial Management Series). Offered 2-3 times per year.

Clinical and Laboratory Safety

Complete OSHA specimen handling & shipping training

Check training schedule

Complete Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Clinical Safety Training or EHS Annual Laboratory Safety Training (if applicable)

Project Management

Review Research Resource Forms Library on the Human Subjects Research page under Forms & Templates

Review the record management policy

Become familiar with electronic systems related to participant records (Clindesk, Touchworks/Allscripts, IDX, CIDER, ClinPortal) as required.  Attend training if offered.

Research Ethics and Research Integrity

Responsible Conduct of Research – NIH Requirement for RCR Instruction

Office of Human Research Protections

Office of Research Integrity

Professional Development

Subscribe to Research News for education, policy and development updates.

HRPO Q&A Sessions

Research Coordinator Brown Bag Series


Necessary Elements in Fundamentals of Human Subject Research