Request Information Available to the Public

Effective: 08/24/2012Revised:10/6/2023 Washington University (WashU) shall provide to any requestor written information about Financial Conflicts of Interest, which were determined to be a Financial Conflict of Interest related to research on or after August 24, 2012, as applicable and in accordance with federal regulations including 42 CFR 50 Subpart F, 45 CFR 94 and 2 […]

Financial Interest Disclosure Reviewing Thresholds

Conflict of Interest Review CommitteeEffective: August 24, 2012Last Revised: September 28, 2023 Reportable financial interests, defined as anything of monetary value, regardless of whether the value is readily ascertainable, must be disclosed as described in External Professional Activities to Disclose. Disclosure requirements for the Research COI policy include financial interests and activities occurring in the […]

Dispute Resolution/Appeals Procedure

Original Effective Date 08/27/2002 Last Revised Date 08/24/2012 Introduction The WUSTL Research Conflicts of Interest Policy states “Unresolved disagreements concerning the application of this policy shall ultimately be referred for final resolution to a committee established by the chancellor or representative appointed by the chancellor.” This procedure outlines the necessary steps individuals shall take to resolve […]

Determining and Managing Research FCOIs Procedures

Last Revised Date 11/9/2023 1. Introduction The Conflict of Interest Review Committee’s (CIRC) procedures will comply with all applicable federal regulations and funding agency requirements. The following describes the Conflicts of Interest Review Committee’s (CIRC) procedures and considerations for a) reviewing individuals’ personal financial interests, b) determining whether there is a material financial interest, c) evaluating […]

Timing of Disclosures

Original Effective Date 09/30/2003Last Revised Date 05/25/2022 All faculty with an academic appointment of instructor or higher and all individuals, who by definition have independent responsibility for the design, conduct, or reporting of research at WashU are required to proactively submit a disclosure: Upon request by the Office of Research Integrity & Ethics (ORIE) or […]

FCOI Education Requirements

Effective: August 24, 2012Last Revised: September 28, 2023 Introduction The WUSTL Research COI Policy states “A covered individual must complete training in regard to this policy and applicable federal regulations as established by the University and/or applicable federal regulations.” Central to Washington University’s mission of fostering excellence in research is a commitment to ensure that individuals […]

Other Available RCR Education Opportunities

Interactive Movies on Research Misconduct Become the lead characters in an interactive movie and make decisions about integrity in research that can have long-term consequences. The simulation addresses Responsible Conduct of Research topics such as avoiding research misconduct, mentorship responsibilities, handling of data, responsible authorship, and questionable research practices. This interactive training video educates clinical and […]

RCR Resources on the Web

Online Publications Introduction to Responsible Conduct in Research  |  Office of Research Integrity — Nicholas Steneck, PhD This booklet introduces the reader to the nine RCR core instructional areas in four sections that follows research from inception to planning, conducting, reporting, and reviewing research. The publication features case studies, text-box inserts, discussion questions, and electronic and printed resources. […]

Submit Continuing RCR Education Attendance Records for NSF COMPETES

Individual learners should NOT submit personal training records via the method below. This method is for group trainings with a school, department, or program. If you attended a training outside of your department/non-WashU training, then you should submit your training completion to a research administrator in your department. Continuing Education Submission Schools, departments, and programs […]