RCR Boilerplate Language

Disclaimer: Please use this information as appropriate and applicable to your application. The content provided below is not meant to replace individually tailored RCR education plans. Using this information verbatim is not recommended. Washington University provides education in ethics and responsible conduct in research via web-based trainings and face-to-face workshops. Web-based Education WashU provides two […]

Program for the Ethical and Responsible Conduct of Science and Scholarship (PERCSS)

About The PERCSS Core Curriculum features eight web-based learning modules in areas related to ethical and responsible conduct of research. For additional research ethics training, see the Education and Training Section of Responsible Conduct of Research. All members of the Washington University research community are welcome to participate in PERCSS educational programming. Core Curriculum The PERCSS Core Curriculum  is […]

Personnel Roles and Responsibilities

The major roles & responsibilities each party has in connection with the University’s recharge centers are as follows: Recharge Center/Specialized Service Facility Personnel Comply with RC/SSF policies and procedures Develop and administer annual budget Prepare schedule of rates and maintain supporting documentation Submit rate schedule to the Costs Analysis Department on an annual basis Generate […]

Open Research and Free Dissemination of Ideas and Information, Washington University Policy on

Washington University is committed to maintaining a teaching and research environment that fosters the creation and dissemination of new knowledge. Essential to this mission is a policy of open research that promotes academic freedom and the free exchange of ideas. An environment of openness ensures the progress of research in all disciplines at Washington University. […]