Joint Research Office for Contracts (JROC)

The mission of JROC is to provide high quality customer service to principal investigators, administrators, and sponsors by drafting, reviewing, negotiating and signing research-related agreements on a university-wide basis. JROC facilitates the timely execution of federal and foundation subawards and contracts, industry-supported research agreements, industry supported clinical trials, data transfers, service agreements, and other research-related […]

Confidentiality Agreement (CDA)

Download Confidentiality Agreements: One-Way Confidentiality Agreement (DOC) Mutual Confidentiality Agreement (DOC)   The proper contact to assist with Confidentiality Agreement (CDA) processing depends on the purpose of the confidential discussions. If a CDA is needed to discuss a potential research project or service arrangement, contact If a CDA is needed to discuss a potential […]

Award Document Quick Guide

For information about the intake process and what contract negotiators need from departments before they can process agreements, download the award document quick guide (PDF).

Distinguish Between Agreement Types

Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) or Clinical Research Agreement (CRA): An agreement directly with a for-profit company providing funding or a drug/device for a Clinical Trial Can be for a Sponsor-Initiated or Investigator-Initial Clinical Trial. Collaboration Agreement: An agreement covering an unfunded collaboration where both WU and the other party are contributing to the performance of a research scope of work. This can […]