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New RMS Proposal Development and Proposal Tracking Modules Live

Published May 7, 2018

WashU Go-Live May 7, 2018

The RMS Proposal Development (PD) and Proposal Tracking (PT) modules are now available at Add RMS to your favorites in ONE​!

​Thanks to everyone who made a contribution in some way to bring us to our go-live day. There is still some work to do, more training to occur, and a lot of patience needed as we transition to RMS.


Non-Technical Assistance – System Functionality, Policy and Procedure

  • For non-technical questions, refer to the following, in this order:​
    1. RMS hover texts (found directly in RMS using the “Show Help” option)
    2. User Guide
    3. Department Super Users
    4. OSRS Grant Analyst

Technical – Security Management, System Errors​

  • Contact the S&P Help Desk at 314.935.5707 for trouble accessing the system and other technical issues.
  • The vendor has addressed system screen errors you saw in training. We are seeing only one specific slow spot; it may take up to one minute to generate a PD Record number after completing the Seven Steps. We will continue to pursue this performance issue with the vendor.
  • If you get a system error message take the following steps:
    1. Take a screenshot and email it to noting when this occurred.
    2. In most cases, your work has been retained or completed successfully despite the error message. Press escape or close the window if it’s a pop-up window.
    3. Navigate back to where you were and continue working.

System Transition Reminders

  • Ensure you log into and not the training environment you accessed for preparing your class exercises and in-class training.
  • PDS is available in inquiry-only mode for approximately one year.
  • SNAP RPPRs-Create PD record via PT: See April 4 2018 RNews.
  • Submit Early Target Dates: See April 16 RNews.
  • SOM Space Allocation Data Management Changes: See April 24 2018 RNews.


In Learn@Work
There are now two RMS training courses in Learn@Work:

RMS System Overview Course

  • This course consists of two required videos: “Navigation and Portal Configuration” and “7 Steps and Setup Questions.” All other videos are recommended as useful resources.
  • This course is required for current and new employees who did not have prior access to PDS and need inquiry-only access to RMS.
  • For those who previously completed RMS training in Learn@Work, additional videos can be accessed by clicking “View Detail” on the course page. An overview of this is available here and on the PAAMCO Project Page.

Research Management System Training Course

  • This course consists of the RMS Overview along with other instructional videos on budget, routing, etc.
  • This course is required for employees who need new access (except inquiry-only).
  • All videos are required to be marked successful for completion of the course.
  • This course must be completed before security access will be granted.

In-Person Training

In-person training is currently scheduled weekly through the end of May 2018. Additional ongoing trainings, conducted by OSRS staff, will be held on a schedule to be determined based on need. A current schedule can be found in the RMS section of the Research Education calendar.

Completion of the applicable online training course in Learn@Work is required before attending in-person training.


Based on your specific question or concern, please contact: