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Update: Effort Reporting in Workday Schedule

Published January 11, 2022

The original first effort reporting cycle in Workday was issued on December 22, 2021. Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA) has received feedback from several academic units that they would benefit from some additional time to process PAAs. Accordingly, the effort reporting schedule has been modified to accommodate that request (see below). Any other changes to the schedule will be communicated in a similar manner. Some additional reminders and considerations regarding this process are included below.

January 21, 2022: PAA Cut-off for Grants – Updated
All Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAAs) that will affect the certification period (July 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021) should be completed by January 21, 2022.  PAAs will be cut off because WD won’t be able to create the effort report for an faculty/staff member if a PAA is pending.  If the Effort Reviewer still needs to adjust the salary allocation for the effort reporting period, then those adjustments should be made directly in the Effort Reporting Module during the Department Review and Adjustment Period noted below (February 1, 2022 – February 13, 2022)

January 22, 2022 – January 30, 2022: SPA Reviews/Approves PAAs – Updated
SPA will review and approve/reject PAAs during this period.

January 31, 2022: Generate Effort Reports and Start Review Period for Departments – Updated
SPA will initiate the effort report generation process. Each Effort Reviewer will receive a notification for the individuals in their respective department/division that are required to certify effort.

February 1, 2022 – February 13, 2022: Department Review and Adjustment Period –Updated
During this period the Effort Reviewer can review the effort reports and process any necessary changes/corrections to the effort figures (which will then automatically generate corresponding PAAs), prior to releasing the effort report to the certifier. If there was a PAA that the Effort Reviewer was unable to process by the January 21, 2022, deadline, then this is the time period when they can adjust the figures directly in the Effort Reporting Module.

February 14, 2022: Departments Release Effort Reports to Certifiers – Updated
This date will serve as the official start date of the effort certification cycle. The Effort Reviewer received the effort reports on January 31, 2022, and the review period followed. Subsequent to any applicable changes during the Review Period, the Effort Reviewer should release the effort report  to the certifier on or before February 14, 2022.

March 16, 2022: Day 30 of Effort Report Cycle, Certifications After This Date are Considered Late – Updated
This date serves as the end of the on-time certification process. Effort reports certified after this date will be considered to be delinquent.

Reminders/Considerations for PAAs and Effort Certification:

  • The PAA should include the full date of discovery, or if the delay was due to fund set-up, the date the fund was fully active. Include dates on all PAAs, regardless, if past 90 days.
  • The amounts on the PAAs must match the salary cap calculator sheet split amounts.
  • As applicable, on the salary cap work tags list, “National Institute of Health Over The Salary Cap.”
  • PAAs that have not been fully approved by the cut-off date will be cancelled by the SDM prior to the initiation of  Effort Report Generation process. The department can still process the changes/corrections during the Effort Review period.
  • PAAs submitted during the Effort Review/Certification period will be automatically rejected by Workday. The PAA can be resubmitted after the Effort Report has been certified, and this may cause a recertification of the original Effort Report.

If you have any questions, please contact Joe Gindhart (, Meredith Fey ( or Carla Reed ( in SPA.