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Return to International Travel

Published July 24, 2020

In coordination with university leadership and campus partners, the International Travel Oversight Committee has developed a plan for a limited return to university-sponsored international travel for faculty, staff, and graduate/professional students whose trips meet certain essential criteria and are approved through the University-Sponsored International Travel Petition for Exception process.

While COVID-19 has impacted the travel landscape tremendously, we recognize that a return to international travel is critical to the university’s mission. However, we must do so in a thoughtful and responsible way. These decisions and the accompanying process were developed to support the health and safety of our travelers in this new and still changing environment. All travel is subject to changes in travel conditions and public health guidance.

This Return to International Travel ITOC memo outlines the details regarding international travel policies and processes from July 31, 2020, until at least December 31, 2020.

Petition materials​ will be available on Monday, July 27. The International Travel Oversight Committee Executive Body will start accepting petitions on Friday, July 31.

Please contact with any questions.Sincerely,
The ITOC Executive Body ​​​