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Atlassian Cloud Migration Project

Published April 13, 2023

The Atlassian Cloud Migration project is under way. The first group, IT-related Confluence spaces and Jira projects, has already been successfully migrated to the Atlassian Cloud. Business-related and RIS spaces and projects will migrate from June 15 through June 18, 2023.

 The project team has begun meeting with space and project owners in Group 2 to verify their current use of Confluence and Jira. (You can check the status of your Confluence space and/or Jira project by visiting the inventory section of the Atlassian Cloud Migration Project webpage.)

 Below is the migration schedule by user group:

Migration Group 1 – Complete (March 30 – April 2, 2023)Migration Group 2 (June 15 – June 18, 2023)
Enterprise Applications
Platform Engineering/Infrastructure 
Information Security
End User Services
Data Management
Workday SDM
University Advancement
Marketing & Communications
WUSM: I², Alliance, Oncore, Siteman
Schools: McKelvey, ArtSci
Research Groups

In the new Atlassian Cloud instance, users will experience a new user interface and new functionality in both Confluence and Jira. The cloud migration will modernize user experience, reduce security vulnerabilities, reduce infrastructure costs, introduce licensing efficiencies, and align with WashU IT’s cloud-first strategy.  

After learning about the Cloud environment, Enterprise Applications Service Manager Carrie Maynard said, “I am so excited to begin utilizing the new functionality that is coming with the Cloud version of Atlassian! Advanced Roadmaps will help us make long-term plans across teams. Automation in Confluence and Jira will help us with repetitive tasks and allow our teams to focus on more meaningful work.” 

Throughout the discovery and testing processes, the project team has discovered a handful of migration considerations. These considerations include what can be refactored by users before or after migration. For example, Comala boards will need to be recreated in Confluence, and project avatars will need to be reassigned in Jira. Josh Edwards, Senior Director of Enterprise Applications, expressed his gratitude for the team, “being this far ahead of migration and having such a robust list of things that are going to be affected and all the work that the project team is doing to highlight and manage expectations.”

To access a complete list of the affected features and functionalities, see the User Migration Preparation section of the Atlassian Cloud Migration Webpage.

The project team is continuing to identify and mitigate migration considerations to reduce the impact of migration on end users. Daniel Hammond, Assistant Director of Enterprise Applications, commented that, “The team has worked incredibly hard to get us to this milestone, and I am grateful for all of their efforts. Like any migration, we know that there will be issues that need to be resolved, but we are committed to making the process as painless as possible.”   Training opportunities for Group 2 will be available beginning in May. To learn more about the project, please visit the Atlassian Cloud Migration webpage or contact the project team