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Enterprise Applications Legacy Systems Retirement Program

Published August 4, 2022

With Workday replacing the functionality of our legacy systems, the Legacy Retirement Program was created to decommission AIS, HRMS and WebFocus as these legacy systems are running on aging hardware with operating systems no longer supported by Microsoft. In addition, the costs of maintaining the legacy systems were too prohibitive to continue, so additional capabilities were developed to supplement the existing data warehouse reports that are used to access legacy documents and data.

On November 15, 2022, the legacy systems will be retired, and all data found in HRMS, AIS, and WebFocus can be accessed directly through the Cognos platform, or upon request. To make a request for data not available through Cognos platform, users will email

With this major shift in the way active users of HRMS, AIS, and WebFocus access historical data, the Legacy Retirement Program Team was formed to help facilitate this transition.

One of the ways the Legacy Retirement Program Team has been preparing legacy system users for the transition is by hosting weekly demos for current Cognos users. Not only are AIS, HRMS, and WebFocus inquiry users shown how to access, download, and share reports using Cognos, but time is also allotted to receive user feedback on concerns and potential gaps that may be present in Cognos as a replacement platform.

“The demos have been well attended and extremely useful in identifying gaps and providing an opportunity for users to express concerns on how to perform their job as we move forward,” said Janet Deyarmin, Legacy Retirement’s program manager. “Reporting gaps are being identified and our technical resources are creating solutions to address customer needs.”

Active HRMS, AIS, and WebFocus users can expect more communication from the Legacy Retirement Program team to come with reminders about the retirement date, training opportunities, and any other relevant updates regarding the program.

For more information, please visit the Legacy Retirement Program webpage.

Any immediate questions regarding the program can be directed to the Legacy Retirement Program Team.