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New Sponsored Expenditure Guidelines

Published December 8, 2017

Sponsored Projects Accounting has developed a Sponsored Expenditures Guidelines document to assist all University faculty and staff who are involved with the budgeting and spending of sponsored research funding. This guidance provides a framework of direct charging costs to sponsored research accounts and includes the following sections:
I. Introduction
II. Cost Principles for Federal Awards
III. Documentation and Justification for Expenditures
IV. Transaction Authorization and Approval
V. Treatment of Specific Types of Expenses for Federal Awards
VI. Prior Written Approval
VII. Other Related Information
Appendix A: Special Considerations for Federal Training Grants
Apendix B: Cost Allocation Methodologies

The new guidelines can be found on the Financial Services Website by clicking the following link:

A pdf version can be found here.

For additional information or questions, please contact:
Krystina Gross
Manager, Sponsored Projects Accounting
(314) 935-5793