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New SUBSystem coming this fall

Published September 24, 2020

As we prepare for the move to WorkDay, the SUBSystem that currently lives in AIS needed to be reconfigured to exist as an independent, web-based system. The Office of Sponsored Research Services (OSRS) and WashU IT worked with a development team to recreate the current SUBSystem on a platform outside of AIS. The new SUBSystem will go live in Fall 2020.

The functionality of the new SUBSystem is fundamentally the same as the existing system, with select enhancements added: 

  • New look to existing infrastructure 
  • Enhanced search with additional fields
  • Enhanced reporting functionality providing greater visibility for workload management
  • Access to all subawards (department security restrictions removed)
  • Risk Category attribute added to Institutional database (no more BOX file)

Email Connie Motoki at​