Message from Dr. Lodge on Worsening Conditions in the St. Louis Region

Published on November 11, 2020 Dear Researchers, As noted in Chancellor Martin’s email last Friday, we are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of reported cases in the US, and the COVID-19 positivity rate in the St. Louis metro area is rapidly climbing. It is important for us to avoid COVID transmission in our research […]

New SUBSystem Coming December 1

Published November 5, 2020 As announced previously, a new web-based SUBSystem was developed to replace the current AIS-based system. The new version of SUBS is scheduled to go-live on December 1, 2020.​SUBSystem PageA new SUBSystem page​ is available on Currently, the page houses training resources and information relating to the go-live of the new SUBSystem. A login link to […]

An Important Message to Researchers Regarding COVID-19

Published on October 30, 2020 Dear Researchers, As most of you are aware from recent news, COVID cases are dramatically increasing in the St. Louis region and across the US. At this time, current models predict steep increases in COVID cases and hospitalizations which could continue through the winter and be worse than this past March […]

Clarification on Research Levels

Published on October 23, 2020 Dear Researchers, Many of you may be aware that the alert level on the Danforth Campus was changed from Yellow to Orange today. This change was prompted by a rise in COVID cases in the St. Louis area, which is disturbing news for all of us. The good news is […]

Increasing Laboratory Research Activity

Published October 19, 2020 Dear Laboratory Researchers, During the Lab Research Yellow Level ( we had asked labs to restrict their overall in-person laboratory activity to 60-80% of pre-COVID activity. This restriction was put in place to keep the density in our labs as low as possible. School and University Leadership has recognized that this […]

Lab Research Ramp-Up to Yellow-Level Survey Results

Published October 6, 2020 Dear Faculty, Staff and Trainees, Recently, the OVCR conducted a Laboratory Research Ramp-up Survey to get feedback since transitioning to the Yellow Level. We wanted to know about your recent experiences with the communications, access, adherence to guidelines, screening process, productivity barriers, and any other issues or challenges with the ramp-up process. The […]

SPA: Foundation for Barnes Jewish Hospital Designated and Chair Award Balances

Published September 22, 2020 As of July 1, 2020, the Foundation for Barnes Jewish Hospital has been issuing Designated and Chair awards under a new cost reimbursable billing method. As a result, Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA) is setting up a new WU fund under the new billing method and closing any existing funds that may […]

NSF-approved Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support Formats

Published September 21, 2020 On September 14, 2020, the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced the following information: Effective October 5, 2020, NSF will begin enforcing the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 20-1) requirement to use NSF-approved formats for the preparation of the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending Support proposal documents. […]

EH&S Safety Reminder to Wear Proper Eye Protection in Research Areas

Published September 17, 2020 During these difficult times, protecting ourselves from COVID-19 has been on everyone’s mind. We wear face coverings, maintain six feet of distance from our colleagues, and wash or sanitize our hands often. However, two recent eye injuries caused by chemical splashes in Washington University research labs remind us that protecting ourselves […]

New SUBSystem coming this fall

Published September 24, 2020 As we prepare for the move to WorkDay, the SUBSystem that currently lives in AIS needed to be reconfigured to exist as an independent, web-based system. The Office of Sponsored Research Services (OSRS) and WashU IT worked with a development team to recreate the current SUBSystem on a platform outside of […]