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RMS Update and Reminders

Published June 1, 2018

Successful S2S Submissions Through RMS
Since the May 7th RMS go-live, 22 proposals have been successfully submitted to through RMS. We encourage the use of RMS for S2S submissions, but we can’t emphasize enough the need to complete your RMS documents and submit your proposals before the application deadline day. This will help ensure there are no problems as we use the new system for our first large federal deadline on June 5th.

Known System Issue: F&A Discrepancies in PD Budget
Users have reported F&A discrepancies in the PD budget. The issues have been reported to the vendor and they are working on fixes.​

Slight discrepancies (<$50)
In some records, there is an F&A discrepancy between what is listed in the bottom two tables of the budget tab. Due to different calculation methodology of each of the tables, the result is slightly different numbers.

    • The first table shows F&A amounts calculated based on the F&A rate multiplied by each budget line item.
      • This is not how WashU historically calculated F&A.
    • In the F&A Breakdown table at the bottom, it shows the direct costs base amounts and calculates the F&A rate on the base amounts, verses calculating on each line item.
      • This is similar to how PDS calculated F&A.
      • This is the table that is correct.
      • This is the table that populates the S2S budget form pages.

S2S: It is OK to submit the proposal using S2S because the budget pages are built based on the bottom F&A Breakdown table, not the 1st table.

​​Non-S2S: If a proposal is not being submitted S2S you may still proceed using the numbers in the F&A Breakdown table.

Large discrepancies (e.g. thousands of dollars)
In some records there are larger F&A discrepancies. Issues that cause major F&A discrepancies include:

    • Versioning (more than one budget version).
    • Cost sharing fringes.
    • Using the Manual F&A button.

If you see large F&A discrepancies, please contact your GA ASAP for assistance, and so this can be reported to the vendor more quickly.

Verify eRA Commons Submission
Just as you did with proposals submitted via ASSIST, Workspace and the legacy PDS/S2S, if the agency allows, it is especially important with RMS that you view your assembled application image in their system. For NIH, you should log in to eRA Commons to verify that NIH received the application and that it correctly reflects your submitted application information. Items to verify include requested amounts on the SF424 R&R, budget numbers, attachments, etc. NIH has strongly recommended this since eRA Commons went live about 10 years ago. For additional information, read the guidance from the NIH on Submitting, Tracking, and Viewing Your Application.

Support / Training / Learning Resources

Use the User Guide
The OSRS GAs and the Super Users are finding that they are able to address many of the questions they receive by referencing sections of the User Guide. The Guide is easily searchable, so if you haven’t used it much, try searching the next time you have a question and follow the detailed steps.

RMS Proposal Development Scenarios and Tips is a recently added section of the Guide (Part 2, page 150).

RMS 101 and RMS 102 Schedule
The next sessions of RMS 101 and RMS 102 have been scheduled for June 19 on the School of Medicine campus.

Drop-In Help Sessions Well Attended
Over the last couple weeks many people have attended the Drop-in sessions held at the School of Medicine Campus to get help with a PD document and have other PD/PT specific questions answered. OSRS will continue to schedule such sessions which will be posted on the RMS training calendar and will also be communicated by your OSRS GA.


  • System Errors – Report to S&P Help Desk at 314.935.5707 or
  • New Videos – The first PT/AT video has been added to the training in Learn@Work. There are now nine RMS videos available. The multiple budget videos will likely be more meaningful now that you have used the system, so please take the time to review after the current deadline.

Based on your specific question or concern, please contact: