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RMS Upgrade – December 2020

Published November 23, 2020

The Research Management System (RMS) upgrade is scheduled to begin at 5 p.m. on Friday, December 11, 2020.

Users will not be allowed to access RMS after 5 p.m. on Friday, December 11, 2020. All RMS activity required for applications that are due December 11-13 must be completed by 5 p.m. on December 11.

On December 14, you will be able to access the upgraded version of RMS.

Important Information About S2S Submissions That Are Due December 11:

  • These must be submitted to the agency and error free before 5 p.m. on December 11
  • Proposals not submitted and/or error free will not be able to be submitted until Monday, December 14, at which time the agency would consider them late
  • Please route for Partial and Full reviews before 5 p.m. on Tuesday, December 8
  • Please route for Final review before 5 p.m. on Thursday, December 10

Upgrade Notable Changes:

  • Budget Tab – Budget Excel doc updates (per RMS Super Users enhancement request)
    • Summary Tab:
      • Changes made to Summary Tab do not show in other tabs.
      • Project Period added to Summary Tab
    • Personnel Tab:
      • Updated with new layout and column headers
      • Person Months (PM) and Percent Effort data retains decimals (ex: PM: 1.25 and Effort 8.333%)
    • Fully Loaded Budget Tab:
      • New tab that represents Total Project Costs
    • Source View:
      • Form matches selected Source View
  • Budget Tab – Bulk Entry for Non-Personnel Line items updated with new layout
  • Setup Questions Tab:
    • F&A Scheme no longer automatically updates with Program Type changes and is set by the initial Program Type selection on Setup Questions Tab.
    • F&A Scheme changes need to be selected in the Budget > F&A Tab
  • Home Page
    • Assignments/Things to Do will show additional record content details (used mostly by OSRS/SPA)
    • Ability to save and reuse search criteria
  • Proposal Tracking (PT) > Attachments – Document filename can be edited without having to re-upload the document

Training Materials:

  • User Guide is being updated
  • Training Videos in Learn@Work: The four videos will remain unchanged
    • Navigation and Portal Configurations
    • 7 steps and WashU Set-up
    • PT/AT intro
    • Statuses and workflow

If you have any questions please contact Teri Medley at

Please share these important dates with your faculty that may have a submission during this upgrade timeframe, as well as with any staff members that use RMS.