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Salary Cap has been Updated in Research Management System (RMS)

Published May 29, 2019

Per the National Institutes of Health (NIH) NOT OD-19-099, the salary cap in RMS has been updated to $192,300.

All proposals will now calculate with this new salary cap amount.

If you have proposals that are in progress (i.e. not approved in the Final Review route), be aware that if you click the “Apply” button on the F&A tab, for any reason, it 1) resets personnel costs over a configured salary cap (if cost-shared costs had been manually adjusted), 2) resets personnel fringes to current HR data and, 3) applies the F&A to main budget and Subprojects with selected Base and Rate. In all situations, you should ensure your direct costs, F&A costs, and total costs are as intended.

Please direct any questions to the Office of Sponsored Research Services.