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Upcoming Changes with myIRB and HRPO Processes

Published June 27, 2022

New Exempt Form Effective 7/1/2022

The myIRB Exempt form has been revised to improve the efficiency of the IRB submission and review process. Many questions that are not necessary to document eligibility for exempt review have been removed.

When the revised Exempt form is released, it will also include a new Exempt Information Sheet template.

Stamping Recruitment Materials

HRPO will no longer stamp recruitment materials effective 7/1/2022. The IRB approval stamp will continue to be present and function (changing approval dates at the time of continuing review) for recruitment materials uploaded prior to 7/1/2022.

When existing IRB stamped recruitment materials are revised or new recruitment materials are submitted, a stamp will not be accepted.

memo to document the change in IRB practice will be available on the HRPO website for research teams to include in their regulatory binder. A listing of IRB approved recruitment materials, by file name, is included in the IRB approval memo. It is important to select a file name for your recruitment materials that clearly identifies the version and type of recruitment material.