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Update: COVID-19 Information for Researchers

Published March 16, 2020

Following up on this morning’s message regarding research and COVID19, and consistent with the Chancellor’s message late this afternoon, research groups should identify who is essential for their operations. We do understand that research across our university is highly variable, and each school will be working to provide guidance for their researchers.

Here is the message that went to the deans and other senior management regarding research.

Research Operations: We ask that deans pay particular attention to working with department heads, faculty and principal investigators on plans for continuing to conduct research at their schools.  As with other areas, decisions on which operations and staff (including trainees) are essential should be made at the unit level, and reflect many complex facets.

 We also want to remind you of the Guidance for researchers on COVID-19 website

Steps for Researchers to Take Immediately 

  • Develop a continuity plan that includes contingencies for “alternate operations” as was announced this afternoon,  or “full closure”. 
  • Do not come to work if you are sick
  • Practice Social distancing – reduce meetings, use videoconferencing, work in shifts, keep 6 ft distances between personnel, work remotely if possible. 
  • Enhance cleaning of shared instruments and surfaces (shared phones, shared lab equipment, shared benches, doorknobs). Use a disinfectant that is safe and appropriate for the item. 
  • Wash hands frequently for 20 seconds (Sing “Row row row your boat…”)
  • Ensure remote access to files and data.
  • Practice remote working arrangements as practical.

Jennifer Lodge, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research
Washington University