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Workday Updates: SPA Forms and Naming Conventions

Published June 23, 2021

Naming Convention
For new awards set up in Workday, research administrators will no longer be able to reference the department and fund numbers found in AIS. Instead, there will be a new naming convention that incorporates the PI’s (Assignee’s) name, the title of the project and a department-assigned nickname (if provided). These values can be used to search for a grant being applied to a transaction to limit the number of results.

The Award and Grant Naming Guide is a guide to understand the naming convention that will be used. Values entered in the yellow sections generate the name in the red sections.

Project Activations in Workday
Workday features do not permit the ability to set up a 90-day limit for project activations. The Project Activation Form has been revised to be time limited to 12-month increments. A grant on project activation will remain on project activation until each budget period expires (at least annually), until the award is received or until the department notifies SPA that it should be closed.

SPA Forms with Workday Updates
In addition to the naming convention guide, revised versions of SPA forms can be found on the Financial Services Forms website, including the Allocation Request Form, the Cost Share​ Req​uest Form​​ and the NIH First Time No Cost Extension Form.

There is also a new form called the Award Setup Information Template. It provides an outline of the information SPA will need in order to set up a new award and grant. Over time, this information will be familiar like department and fund numbers in AIS. This template is intended to provide additional structure during the first few months of Workday implementation.

Departments should begin using these new and revised forms on July 1, 2021.​​