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Guidance for Field Research Activities During COVID-19

Published March 23, 2021

Dear Faculty, Staff and Trainees,

We have posted guidance for safely conducting field research activities during the coronavirus pandemic. Field research activities are typically conducted on university-owned properties and off-campus locations such as in the local region, national and international sites.

Field research activities can occur as long as all WashU public health recommendations and local restrictions are followed, including:

  • Everyone can maintain 6 feet of separation
  • Everyone can maintain 6 feet of separation
  • Everyone wears a face covering if there is potential for interactions with less than 6 feet of separation
  • Those with symptoms do not participate
  • Frequent hand washing/sanitizing
  • Gatherings are kept small
  • Outdoor spaces are used whenever possible
  • The plans for research activities are approved by the department or school

Research groups should continuously evaluate research plans and interactions with respect to compliance with the public health guidelines, and they should expect to modify and correct plans if any deficiencies are identified.

For additional information, please view the Guidance for Field Research During COVID-19.

Jennifer Lodge, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research