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RMS Week 2 Go-Live Update

Published May 16, 2018

Thank you to everyone for your patience over the last week and your efforts toward moving things forward as we experience a few rocky transitions.

Get the Latest Updates on RMS – Visit the PAAMCO Project Page!

In an effort to reduce the number of Research News notifications, and to provide you with the latest information, we will begin posting regular updates on the PAAMCO Project Page to address: known system issues, system fixes applied, FAQs, training resources, etc. Visit the web page often to stay informed.

PDS to RMS Conversion Follow-up

In the May 10th RNews, we described that not all active awarded and pending PDS docs converted to RMS on 5/7/18 as expected. This issue was recognized as users jumped in to manage RPPRs. Approximately 4900 records were initially converted and on 5/11/18 an additional 1900 records were added. The automated conversion process is now complete. It is important to know that there is a group of PDS documents which did not convert and could potentially need an RMS record. Documents that did not convert are:

  • PROGRAM Projects Umbrella Documents
  • Documents with PI Empl ID Entered as XXXXX
  • Rejected Proposals
  • Awarded but Expired Proposals (i.e. award ended 4/30/18 or earlier)
  • Pending Proposals with Expired Through Date (i.e. through date of 5/1/18)

If we receive an award, no-cost-extension, etc., associated with a document which did not meet the conversion criteria, OSRS will manually add a PT record with minimal information. DAs will then use this PT Record to generate a “child” PD Record for a non-competing continuation or revision (i.e. supplement), etc.

Also, awarded RMS converted records may show incorrect project and budget period dates. These dates will be corrected as OSRS sets up each award in RMS.

Training / Learning Resources

User Guide “Version 1.5” Available

Take a look at the newest version of the User Guide which includes an updated Table of Contents, an expansive set of Scenarios and the completed PT/AT section. The PD section has not changed, but will be edited over the next couple of months as we incorporate feedback from classes, Super Users, and other administrators.

New FAQ and Answers Tracking File

An Excel table was developed to capture questions and answers presented to OSRS and Super Users. The purpose of this document is to be as transparent as possible and allow users who may have similar questions/issues access to this information as quickly as possible. The Tracking File can be found at

Drop-In Help Sessions Scheduled

Drop-in sessions have been added to the RMS section of the Research Education calendar. Based on RA Forum feedback, these are currently scheduled only at the Medical Campus.

The next scheduled session is today May 16th from noon to 4pm in FLTC Room 602.

Skype Sessions Scheduled

Similar to drop-in sessions, Skype sessions are designated times you can Skype from your desk with a PAAM Project Team member to get your questions answered. The first Skype session will be scheduled for the week of 5/21/18 and extended to future weeks if found to be useful.

Continue to check the RMS section of the Research Education calendar for the schedule and additional details on how to start the Skype conversation.

  • Installing Skype: Skype for Business is likely already installed on your computer or laptop. To check, open your Start menu and search for “Skype for Business.” If the program does not come up, contact your department’s IT Service Desk to have it installed.
  • How to Connect on Skype: To find a WashU employee on Skype, search the individual’s name in the “Find Someone” search box near the top of the Skype window. Double-click on the person’s name to start a conversation. To share your screen with the other person, click the blue monitor icon at the bottom of the Skype message window and select “Present Desktop.” Select which monitor(s) to share.

RMS Support – Are You Getting and Doing What You Need?

We have provided a variety of resources to support learning about and training in RMS (see below). Please contact Becky Evans, Teri Medley or a Super User if you want to provide feedback on what is working for you and what may be missing now that we are in production. Please remember, the training videos can be watched multiple times, you can attend classes more than once, one-on-one assistance is available at drop-in sessions, and you need to take the time to read the sequential steps in the User Guide.

Non-Technical Assistance – System Functionality, Policy and Procedure

  • ​For non-technical questions, refer to the following, in this order:​
    1. RMS hover texts (found directly in RMS using the “Show Help” option)
    2. User Guide
    3. Department Super Users
    4. OSRS Grant Analyst

Technical – Security Management, System Errors​

  • Contact the S&P Help Desk at 314.935.5707 for trouble accessing the system and other technical issues.


Based on your specific question or concern, please contact: