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Medical School COVID-19 Check-in Screening Stations

Published June 10, 2020

Dear Washington University researchers on the Medical campus,

We understand that sometimes it can be challenging to find a staffed COVID-19 screening station, especially if you are arriving early in the morning or later in the afternoon/evening.

Therefore, researchers on the medical campus who are arriving before 6:30 a.m. or after 3 p.m. Monday – Friday, or anytime on the weekends have the option to complete the WashU self-screen, and then email the result to a person designated by the PI (PI, lab manager, safety officer, etc.) in their group.

All employees coming to the Medical School campus between 6:30 a.m. – 3 p.m., Monday-Friday, should continue to complete the online self-screening and stop at a check-in station before going to work.

Jennifer Lodge, PhD
Vice Chancellor for Research