Position Role
Sponsored Program Administration
Financial Management
Effort Reporting
Conflicts of Interest
Human Research Participant Protection
Animal Welfare
Environmental Health and Safety
Human Gene Transfer
Patents and Inventions
Export Controls
Position Role
The vice chancellor for research is Washington University’s chief official responsible for directing and guiding the university’s research mission. Through the formulation of compliance entities, policies, procedures, systems, and educational programs that support research and related activities, the vice chancellor for research supports the development and implementation of high quality research initiatives and establishes and maintains a culture of compliance among faculty, students, and staff involved in research and related activities at Washington University. Inasmuch, the vice chancellor for research helps to ensure the excellence, integrity, and compliance of all aspects of the research process, provides strategic application support, protects the safety and welfare of employees and research participants, and promotes adherence to all governmental regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures governing the research process.
The vice chancellor for research reports to the chancellor and works closely with the University Compliance Office, the Office of the General Counsel, the vice chancellor for finance, deans, and department heads to maintain accountability, resolve any significant issues of noncompliance, and reduce the risk of future occurrences.
Sponsored Program Administration
General Administrative
- Represents Washington University to regulatory and sponsoring agencies and institutions around the world.
- Represents faculty research interests in interactions with university administration and the Board of Trustees.
- Represents interests of Washington University in response to legislation and regulations that potentially affect academic research.
- Serves as the Institutional Official for sponsored research administration including the management of grants and contracts.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that appropriate institutional policies and procedures are developed, implemented, and maintained to promote compliant, ethical, and responsible design, conduct, reporting, and reviewing of research in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that appropriate research compliance communication, education, and training resources are developed and implemented.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that Washington University complies with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures and requires appropriate monitoring of research programs.
- Provides oversight and assurance of Washington University’s compliance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures to outside regulatory agencies, and delegates ability as appropriate.
Preparation of Scientific Proposal
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure the development and implementation of institutional policies and procedures for preparing, reviewing, approving, and submitting scientific proposals in accordance with Federal regulations and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
Proposal Budget
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure proposal budgets are developed and submitted in accordance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
Protocol Preparation and Review
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that protocols are submitted in accordance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
Award Acceptance (Terms and Conditions)
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that award terms and conditions comply with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
Conduct of Research
- Establishes and maintains a culture of compliance to help assure that research is conducted in accordance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that research and related activities are conducted ethically, objectively, and in accordance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that the conduct of research is appropriately monitored and that instances of noncompliance are reported and resolved in accordance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
- Receives all allegations of research misconduct for the university.
- Serves as the Research Integrity Officer for the research integrity program.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that allegations of research misconduct are managed in accordance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
Facilities and Administrative Cost Rate
- Supports the vice chancellor for finance to oversee the negotiation and application of appropriate facilities and administrative (F&A) cost rates in accordance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
Space Management
- Oversees current animal space needs and allocates and develops plans for new or renovated facilities.
- Supports departments to comply with the annual space utilization and survey process.
Equipment Management
- Supports departments to submit timely property reports to the sponsoring agency.
Service Centers
- Supports departments to develop and administer service center rates.
- Promotes the timely completion and submission of technical, progress, and compliance reports.
Project Closeout
- Promotes the timely completion and submission of all project closeout documents.
Financial Management
General Administrative
- Approves unusual terms of grants, awards, or contracts.
- Coordinates with the vice chancellor for finance to develop and implement university policies and procedures that ensure financial compliance in sponsored projects in accordance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
- Coordinates with the vice chancellor for finance and the University Compliance Office to ensure that systems and procedures are in place to monitor and control the financial operations of research at the university.
- Coordinates with the vice chancellor for finance to help ensure that appropriate research financial management communication, education, and training resources are developed and implemented.
- Coordinates with the vice chancellor for finance, the University Compliance Office, and the Office of the General Counsel to resolve significant issues of noncompliance and to help reduce the risk of any future occurrences.
- Oversees preparation of annual reports for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institutes of Health, the university, and others, as required.
Cost Sharing
- Facilitates resolution of policy interpretation or noncompliance issues.
Cost Transfer
- Facilitates resolution of policy interpretation or noncompliance issues.
Project Closeout and Reporting
- Facilitates resolution of policy interpretation or noncompliance issues.
Effort Reporting
- Coordinates with the vice chancellor for finance and the University Compliance Office to develop, implement, and monitor the effectiveness of effort reporting policies and procedures.
- Coordinates with the vice chancellor for finance to develop and implement educational programs and tools to assist with appropriate reporting of effort.
Conflicts of Interest
- Takes appropriate steps to avoid conflicts of interest, or the appearance of conflicts of interest, between financial or other personal interests and the goals and policies of the university.
- Complies with and directs all personnel to comply with applicable school, university, and sponsoring agency conflict of interest policies and procedures.
- Discloses all significant financial conflicts of interest to the chancellor and complies with recommended management strategies.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that appropriate institutional financial conflict of interest policies and procedures are developed, implemented, and maintained.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that appropriate conflict of interest communication, education, and training resources are developed and implemented.
- Oversees the conflicts of interest appeals process and monitors compliance with approved Disclosure Review Committee (DRC) financial conflict of interest management strategies.
Human Research Participant Protection
General Administrative
- Serves as the Institutional Official for the human research participant protection program.
- Establishes and maintains a culture of compliance among faculty, students, and staff involved in human research and related activities.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that appropriate institutional policies and procedures are developed, implemented, and maintained to resolve financial conflicts of interest in research involving human research participants.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that appropriate human research compliance communication, education, and training resources are developed and implemented.
- Oversees human research monitoring programs and initiatives.
- Coordinates with the Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) to assure compliance, to resolve significant issues of noncompliance, and to help reduce the risk of any future occurrences.
Animal Welfare
General Administrative
- Serves as the Institutional Official for the animal care and use program.
- Establishes and maintains a culture of compliance among faculty, students, and staff involved in animal research and related activities.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that appropriate institutional policies and procedures are developed, implemented, and maintained to assure that research involving animals is in compliance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that appropriate animal research compliance communication, education, and training resources are developed and implemented.
- Oversees the entire animal care and use program, including the Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM) and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
- Requires appropriate monitoring of animal research programs.
- Coordinates with IACUC and DCM to assure compliance, to resolve significant issues of noncompliance, and to help reduce the risk of any future occurrences.
Environmental Health and Safety
General Administrative
- Supports compliance with all federal, state, and local environmental, health, and safety regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
Human Gene Transfer
General Administrative
- Establishes and maintains a culture of compliance among faculty, students, and staff involved in human gene transfer research.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that appropriate institutional policies and procedures are developed, implemented, and maintained to assure that human gene transfer research is in compliance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that appropriate human gene transfer communication, education, and training resources are developed and implemented.
Patents and Inventions
General Administrative
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure compliance with federal regulations and university and sponsoring agency policies and procedures related to patent and invention disclosure and technology transfer.
- Oversees compliance with the Bayh-Dole Amendment and the university’s Intellectual Property Policy.
Export Controls
General Administrative
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure compliance with Federal regulations and University policies and procedures related to international exchanges of information, items, and/or activities.
- Provides direction, resources, and oversight to help ensure that appropriate export control communication, education, and training resources are developed and implemented.