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Grant Account Set Up Transition Update

Published June 3, 2019

As announced on 4/24/19, the grant account set-up function and award processing is transitioning from the Office of Sponsored Research Services (OSRS) to Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA). Noted below are some updates:

  • NIH Awards and cost reimbursable subawards (in-coming) are being processed by SPA. OSRS is processing the rest of the award documents at this time.
  • OSRS continues to manage all proposal submissions and applications.
  • Cost sharing allocation requests, Project Activations, and fund allocation requests should continue to be sent to, then OSRS/SPA will internally assign them. We strongly encourage departments to submit cost sharing allocation requests at least three days prior to a payroll deadline date.
  • As part of the MyDay planning, we are labeling the account title of cost sharing accounts with alpha designations as M = Mandatory and SC = Salary Cap. On the Cost sharing request form please indicate if your request is Mandatory (required by the terms of the award w/a specific dollar amount) or Salary cap (required due to NIH, NIH Career or other Agency salary cap). Please indicate which label is applicable on your request.
  • Positions and personnel have been shifting in both OSRS and SPA over the last several weeks. Additional information will be provided at the Research Administrator Forums in June.

OSRS/SPA recognize that the staffing transitions can be challenging as award tasks and responsibilities shift with training new employees. We are investigating system tools to facilitate this process, and to provide transparency to the delegated contacts. For now, please contact your OSRS Grant Analyst for award status and contact questions.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns you have about this transition. We appreciate your cooperation.

Joe Gindhart
Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance & Sponsored Projects