RMS Day 3 Go-Live Status and RPPR Workaround

Published May 10, 2018 We are pleased to see that so many people have accessed the Research Management System (RMS) immediately after go-live, whether you have an impending proposal deadline or not. With this much activity in the system we are quickly seeing which functions are working smoothly and which ones are not. Please review […]

Tracking JROC Agreements in the New Research Management System (RMS)

Published May 8, 2018 Over the next couple of months, the Joint Research Office for Contracts (JROC) will begin tracking its agreements in RMS. The agreement data will be captured in the Proposal Tracking (PT) module under the Agreements tab. Described below are key changes to procedures as we transition to using the new RMS […]

New RMS Proposal Development and Proposal Tracking Modules Live

Published May 7, 2018 WashU Go-Live May 7, 2018 The RMS Proposal Development (PD) and Proposal Tracking (PT) modules are now available at rms.wustl.edu. Add RMS to your favorites in ONE​! ​Thanks to everyone who made a contribution in some way to bring us to our go-live day. There is still some work to do, […]

Important Update on IRB Fees

Published May 3, 2018 In March 2018, Washington University announced a new fee schedule for review of human subjects protocols. As there have been presentations about the changes to the research community, concerns and questions have been raised related to some of these new fees. In light of these concerns, implementation of selected fee categories […]

NIH Salary Cap for Federal Fiscal Year 2018

Published April 25, 2018 The NIH has increased the Salary Cap to $189,600 (Executive Level II). This new cap rate has an effective date of January 7, 2018, and it applies to competing and non-competing awards. The full text can be found in the NIH notice NOT-OD-18-137. Effective 5/1/2018, the NIH salary cap edits in […]

Message to Faculty: New Proposal Submission System – May 7

Published April 26, 2018 Dear WashU Faculty, I am pleased to announce that we will implement our new Research Management System (RMS) for grant and contract proposal development and submission on May 7, 2018. Importantly, we are asking you to submit your information and proposals earlier than normal over the next several months as we […]

RMS Transition – Changes to WUSM Space Allocation Information in AIS

Published April 24, 2018 When WashU goes live on May 7, 2018, with the Research Management System’s (RMS) Proposal Development (PD) & Proposal Tracking (PT) modules, there will be changes to the School of Medicine’s space allocation data collection process. Effective 5/4/18, Friday 4:00 p.m., the Proposal Development System (PDS) will change to inquiry-only. As […]

New Facilities and Administrative Cost Rates

Published on April 20, 2018 The University has negotiated new Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Cost Rates with our cognizant federal agency, the Department of Health and Human Services. These rates cover the period 7/1/17 through 6/30/21. The F&A Policies and Procedures document has been revised to reflect the new rates and the implementation procedures (see […]

RMS Transition Dates and Post Go-live Internal Target Dates

Published on April 16, 2018 WashU will go-live on May 7, 2018, with the Research Management System’s (RMS) Proposal Development (PD) & Proposal Tracking (PT) modules. Below is information regarding the transition and post go-live periods. On 5/4/18 • Friday 4:00 p.m., the Proposal Development System (PDS) will become unavailable. On 5/7/18 • Monday 7:00 a.m., […]

RMS Update: Managing Proposals in April & May 2018

Published on April 11, 2018 The timeline in this announcement has been modified from prior communications due to the go-live date extension.  It is expected that WashU will go-live on May 7, 2018 with the Research Management System’s Proposal Development (PD) & Proposal Tracking (PT) modules. Below is important process information and dates for managing […]