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Price Transparency Policy

Published January 23, 2024, via Research News

BJC subscribes to a full “Price Transparency” policy for all services provided to our patients, whether they request a price for a service from a specific facility or if they are scheduled for a service at a BJC facility.

With regards to Clinical Trial Research Enrollees, each enrollee will receive a “price estimate” letter when they are scheduled for services. The BJC department may even ask if the patient wants to pay for their insurance co-pay at the time patient receives the services. The BJC registration clerk will register the visit as a normal visit, regardless of the Research study. Charges are not reviewed and/or identified as “Study-Related – Bill to Study” (by BJC), until after the patient has received the services and the charges have been placed onto their account. As of Monday, January 1, 2024, BJC does not have a mechanism within Epic that will remove “study related” services prior to the patient receiving a price estimate.

Approximately 86% of the charges that are reviewed by the BJC Research Billing Analysts are “Unrelated to a Study”.  The remaining are considered as “Study-Related – Bill to Insurance” or “Study-Related – Bill to Study”.

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