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Proposal Certification Form (PC Form) Updates

Published May 17, 2024, via Research News

Recent updates were made to the RMS Proposal Certification Form (PC Form) certification process as described below.  

For applications to all agencies:

To comply with New Foreign Talent Program Guidelines and the NSF Revised Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) the following updates were made.

For applications to Department of Energy (DOE) and NASA:

To assist with compliance of the DOE and NASA requirements related to foreign government talent recruitment programs and foreign nationals, the following updates were made.

  • Effective May 16, 2024, in the Research Management System (RMS), on the PC Form tab, the DOE Assurance section was slightly updated to provide a link to the DOE Foreign Nationals Prior Approval Requirement vs. a mandatory upload of a document in the RMS record.  
  • Effective April 25, 2024, in RMS, on the PC Form tab, the DOE and NASA Assurance sections were slightly updated to match upload instructions on the WU Full Review Docs tab.
    • When DOE is the Originating or Proposal Sponsor, the Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Programs form (FGTRP & COI Template) is required. This form must be completed, signed, and uploaded prior to being able to “Complete” the WU Full Review Docs Tab.
    • When NASA is the Originating or Proposal Sponsor the NASA Restrictions on Funding Activities with the People’s Republic of China (PCR) Certification form is required. This form must be completed, signed, and uploaded prior to being able to “Complete” the WU Full Review Docs Tab.

Please send this to other individuals that you believe may benefit from this information.  

If you have questions about this information, please contact Teri Medley in the Office of Sponsored Research Services.