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RMS Day 3 Go-Live Status and RPPR Workaround

Published May 10, 2018

We are pleased to see that so many people have accessed the Research Management System (RMS) immediately after go-live, whether you have an impending proposal deadline or not. With this much activity in the system we are quickly seeing which functions are working smoothly and which ones are not. Please review the status summary below, and work-arounds for the RPPR process.

RPPR Process and Conversion Exceptions
Not everyone has been able to create a continuation (child) record which needs to be linked to a converted PDS (parent) document. We have determined that a set of pending and active PDS records did not convert into RMS as needed. Over 4,900 documents did convert, but for those of you who cannot access a particular parent document at this time, please follow the plan detailed below pending conversion of the missing PDS documents.

SNAP RPPRs due on 5/15/18
If you are unable to locate an expected converted record for SNAP RPPRs that are due on 5/15/18, you may follow the pre-RMS process of submitting the RPPR to eRA Commons without a PDS Document or PD Record. Prior to OSRS setting up the award, we will create a PT-only Record. Creating a PT-only record allows us to bypass PD and still have a document to award in RMS.

Non-SNAP RPPRs due on or after 6/1/18
Since it is expected that all conversion issues will be resolved in approximately one week, if you are currently unable to locate a required parent record, we ask that you wait to create the PD Record until the missing PDS records are converted.

NIH PDF – Data Discrepancy with SF424 (R&R) Position/Title Field
When you are on the SF424 data entry page in RMS, the PI Position/Title field (block 14) displays incorrect information. All HR demographic data is correct and available in RMS, and when the S2S forms are generated to be sent to the agency, the information actually does appear correctly on the forms. We are working with the vendor to resolve the system display vs. the final form result.

Security – Salary Release Notifications
There is a bug in the Salary Release email notifications process which impacts who is receiving these system notifications. The vendor is working to resolve this issue. Someone is always receiving a notification, so there is no security or audit issue, but rather more Department Administrators are getting these emails than was requested by their supervisors when the security structure was discussed.

RMS Support – Ask the Question
We previously provided you with guidance on getting assistance (see below) but we do encourage you to discuss with your Grant Analyst any questions or concerns you have about major work you are about to begin (e.g. creating a program project document). It is also important that you follow the User Guide when developing proposals to ensure accuracy of the budget.

Non-Technical Assistance – System Functionality, Policy and Procedure

Technical Assistance – Security Management, System Errors

  • Contact the S&P Help Desk at 314.935.5707 for trouble accessing the system and other technical issues.

Based on your specific question or concern, please contact: