Determine if Your Trial Needs to Be Registered on

Which trials are required to be registered by law? The law states that an applicable clinical trial generally includes (1) Trials of Drugs and Biologics: Controlled, clinical investigations, other than Phase I investigations, of a product subject to FDA regulation and (2) Trials of Devices: Controlled trials with health outcomes, other than small feasibility studies, […]

Guide to Developing an RCR Plan

For Institutional Training and Career Development Programs such as T32, T34, T90/R90, TL1, K12, K30 Download the RCR Plan Worksheet (PDF). Purpose This RCR Plan Worksheet is meant as a guide to help Washington University investigators develop appropriate RCR education plans in compliance with current NIH requirements. Individual Principal Investigators are responsible for developing, implementing, monitoring, and […]

Develop RCR Programming

There are many resources available to help in developing RCR educational programming. Below are internal resources and resources recommended by funding agency. For general resources, visit Resources on the Web. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Beginning January 25, 2010, the NIH requires RCR education plans to be submitted with all new and renewal applications for NIH-funded programs supporting […]

Award Document Quick Guide

For information about the intake process and what contract negotiators need from departments before they can process agreements, download the award document quick guide (PDF).

Distinguish Between Agreement Types

Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) or Clinical Research Agreement (CRA): An agreement directly with a for-profit company providing funding or a drug/device for a Clinical Trial Can be for a Sponsor-Initiated or Investigator-Initial Clinical Trial. Collaboration Agreement: An agreement covering an unfunded collaboration where both WU and the other party are contributing to the performance of a research scope of work. This can […]

Report an Allegation of Research Misconduct

Any member of the Washington University research community has an obligation to report observed instances of research misconduct. An individual should direct an allegation of research misconduct to: An individual can also direct an allegation to deans, department heads, division chiefs, or as directed by the Washington University Code of Conduct​. Any member of the Washington […]

Manage Billing and Receivables

Billings Billings to customers should be done in a timely and regular manner after services/products have been provided. See Create Internal Service Delivery (ISD) step-by-step instructions. Washington University standard accounting policies and procedures should be followed. Receivables – Payment Processing In all payment processing procedures you must adhere to standard Washington University accounting policies and procedures, […]