Report an Allegation of Research Misconduct

Any member of the Washington University research community has an obligation to report observed instances of research misconduct. An individual should direct an allegation of research misconduct to: An individual can also direct an allegation to deans, department heads, division chiefs, or as directed by the Washington University Code of Conduct​. Any member of the Washington […]

Annual & Ongoing Review Process

General RC/SSF operating principles should be evaluated on an ongoing basis to help ensure the following general RC/SSF facility best practices are applied. Again, the policies will be helpful in this evaluation and can be found on the Financial Services website. These include: Rate Reviews Recharge centers operate on a Washington University fiscal year basis, with rates […]

Manage Billing and Receivables

Billings Billings to customers should be done in a timely and regular manner after services/products have been provided. See Create Internal Service Delivery (ISD) step-by-step instructions. Washington University standard accounting policies and procedures should be followed. Receivables – Payment Processing In all payment processing procedures you must adhere to standard Washington University accounting policies and procedures, […]

Set Up an Account

Recharge Centers and Specialized Service Facilities As documented in the Washington University Recharge Centers Policy document, “All recharge centers will establish separate operating accounts to record revenues and expenses related to the products/services provided.” RC and SSF accounts are set up in Workday as Internal Service Providers (ISP). Workday provides step-by-step instructions on ISP: Set Up […]

Provide Services to External (Non-WashU) Customers

If services/products will be provided to external (non-Washington University) customers, it is important that you understand and consider all of the issues described below. External customers are individuals, groups, or organizations that are not part of the Washington University community and typically purchase services/products for reasons of convenience or uniqueness of the products/services offered. Some […]

Develop Charge Methodologies and Subsidies

It is imperative that a cost analysis is completed in order to know what it really costs to do business. An annual cost analysis determines the actual cost of providing services/products. Users are then charged for actual usage based on the rate schedule of these costs. There are defined situations when an RC/SSF may offer […]

Calculate Rates

It is necessary to follow these policies and procedures no matter how infrequent services occur. Operating Costs = direct labor costs + direct supply & other non-labor costs + portion of RC/SSF administrative personnel costs (subject to appropriate review and approval) Once you have identified all of your cost elements, the rate calculation is a simple fraction: […]

Identify the Cost Elements Related to Service/Product

The first step to developing rates for products/services is to identify the various cost elements. Measurable Units Recharge centers must bill users for actual usage; therefore a measurable unit must be identified. The unit must be something that can be measured, quantified and tracked in a reasonably accurate manner. In some cases, a recharge center may […]