Just-In-Time (JIT) via eRACommons Procedure

Created 08/2006Revised 11/2015 Only After JIT request is received (via email, letter or telephone call) from NIH:Generally, a JIT requests asks for the information found at: http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/peer/jit.pdf Principal Investigator (or PI’s designee) will: OSRS Review:

Executive Order 12372 “Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs”

Created 03/2005Revised 05/2013 Several types of applications are subject to the State Intergovernmental review process, including but not limited to the following agencies: Examples of application forms requiring an answer to “Is application subject to review by Executive Order 12372 process?” The guidelines will indicate whether or not an application is subject to Executive Order […]

Individual Development Plans (IDP)

Office of Postdoctoral Affairs IDPs Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences (DBBS) Predoc Policy Created 09/2014 School of Arts & Sciences Graduate Education Recommendations Created 03/2014 Engineering Research Toolkit: NSF Mentoring Requirements for Proposals Office of Training Grants’ Examples of Individual Development Plans for RPPRs (WUSTL Key required)

Final Invention Statement (FIS) via eRA Commons Procedures

Created 01/2006 Revised 04/2013 Effective 10/22/10, Per notice NOT-OD-11-012, the PI is no longer required to sign or submit electronically in eRA. Effective immediately, please make sure before you submit an FIS in eRA that you have the DA provide a copy of the FIS from eRA with the PIs signature, unless you can see in eRA that […]

Carryover Guidance for Grantees

Created 09/2008 Revised 12/2017 The request must be signed (or transmitted by, if via email) by the authorized The requests must include an appropriate scientific justification: A plan for the use of funds, and A detailed categorical breakdown, including F&A costs, if applicable. The scope of the request should be limited to the approved goals […]

Determine Funding Type When Issuing Subawards

There are several funding mechanisms available to use when issuing subawards. The appropriate mechanism may be dependent upon the scope of work. The scope of work needs to provide sufficient detail to understand when payments shall be made. Cost Reimbursable Example: when the collaborator is performing experiments, and the costs are for salary and materials, […]

Sample Scopes of Work

Download the Sample Scopes of Work [DOC] for sample statement of work language for fixed price and fixed fee subawards.