Dispose of Controlled Substances

Disposing of Drug Cocktails If you obtained your controlled substances used to make your cocktail from either the Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM) or Danforth Animal Facility (DAF), please return the unused portion for proper disposal by the earliest expiration date of the associated drugs. Disposing of Unwanted, Contaminated, or Expired Controlled Substances If you […]

Determine How Long to Retain Forms & Logs

DAF/DCM Registrations FORM NAME RETENTION TIME DEA Schedule II 2 years DEA Schedule III-V 2 years Aliquot Log 2 years Initial Inventory Form DEA Schedule II Permanently DEA Schedule III-V Permanently Annual Inventory Form The required annual inventory for WashU is performed on a single day every spring. Researchers with controlled substances will be contacted […]

Determine if You Are Off Campus

On the Danforth Campus, off-campus is defined as anything that is not contiguous with the main Danforth Campus and the South-40; for example, the North, South and West Campuses, the Tyson Research Center, the Lewis Center and 560 Music Center are considered as off-campus. On the Medical School Campus, off-site School of Medicine clinics, such […]

Determine Who Needs a Background Check

A background check is needed if The individual is engaged in the research conducted in the PI’s lab and has access to controlled substances, he or she much obtain an approved DEA background check (including trainees/graduate students) The individual has primary responsibility for the research project and supervisory responsibility for overseeing the safety and security […]

Obtain Controlled Substances

Danforth/Medical School Complete the Controlled Substances Request Form to initiate the purchase of the controlled substances from appropriate campus stockroom. Complete Initial inventory form Keep accurate Aliquot Logs Perform annual inventory as required Dispose or return of unwanted and/or expired controlled substances Promptly report inventory discrepancy, theft and/or loss   An individual researcher registration may […]

Acquire Approval to Begin Working With Controlled Substances (DAF/DCM)

A clinical practice DEA license cannot be used to obtain controlled substances for a research program. Washington University, in accordance with the laws of the State of Missouri and the regulations of the Missouri Bureau of Narcotics & Dangerous Drugs (BNDD), require that an individual maintain separate registrations for their research and clinical programs. You […]

Define “Access to Controlled Substances”

Anyone who is responsible for obtaining, assuring secure storage, managing the initial or annual inventory, completing the aliquot logs, record keeping, distributing controlled substances or a dilution thereof to other approved laboratory personnel, dispensing to an animal or disposing.

Close a Stem Cell Project

February 10, 2017 Send an email to ORIE@wustl.edu referencing the project number Indicate the reason for the closure. For example: No longer using hESCs Lost funding Project completed Leaving Washington University Describe your plans for the hESCs: Destruction Transfer to another Washington University investigator Take to new institution ESCRO will review the terms of the […]